Massage Services

We offer a full line of Massage Services to meet your specific needs

Therapeutic Massage

Areas of pain and injury often need focused work that  target the deeper layers of muscle and  connective tissue. This involves a more firm, deeper pressure.

Oncology Massage

Advanced training to help cancer patients and survivors with the side effects of cancer treatment.  Precautions may be needed depending on patients history and current health status.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

MLD is a gentle modality that reduces edema from sugary, trauma or lymphatic damage. The light, soothing pressure can help direct fluid to correct pathways and have an analgesic effect.  

Connective Tissue

This form of massage releases connective tissue (fascia) adhesions to help relax tight muscles, improve range of motion, and improve posture. 

Swedish (Relaxation) Massage

Full body technique utilizing techniques to help promote relaxation.

Hot Stone (additional $10 charge)

The ultimate in relief of muscle aches, pains.  Hot smooth, flat stones are placed onto regions of the body to reduce muscle tension and pain and reduce stress and anxiety.

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Contact Information


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Weekend – Closed


524 Railroad Street, Jacksonville, Florida